Apply to Serve

Medical Students, Residents, and APP Students

Do you have a passion for medicine and a calling to help those in need? Southwestern Medical Clinic Foundation offers scholarships to qualified medical students, residents, and APP students who have a strong interest in gaining valuable clinical experience while serving on an international or domestic Christian medical mission trip. For more information about our scholarship program, please see additional details below.


1. Applicants must be a third- or fourth-year medical student enrolled in an approved U.S. medical school, OR a resident enrolled in an approved clinical training program, OR an APP student enrolled in an approved U.S. physician assistant or nurse partitioning post-graduate program.

2. Recipients must participate in a medical mission for a minimum of one week.

3. Recipients must use the awarded funds for a trip that is to be completed within 12 months of the award date.

Application Process:

1. Completed scholarship applications need to be submitted online at least 90 days prior to the date of the intended trip.

2. Candidates will be interviewed in-person, virtually, or by phone.

3. Candidates will be notified of acceptance within two weeks of the scholarship interview.


Our mission is to provide scholarships so team members, affiliate members, and emeritus members can gain valuable experience while helping people in need. As a scholarship recipient, we want to share your experience with others who are considering Christian medical missions work

Following your trip:

1. Recipients are required to submit a detailed, typed report with pictures to SWMCF within 60 days after completion of trip. Your story will be shared on SWMCF’s website, social media, and with Corewell Health employees. Please email your stories and photos to

(All names and photos must be approved by the individuals represented. Stories will be edited for grammar, spelling, clarity, and length.

Read about experiences others have had at

2. SWMCF may invite recipients to give an in-person presentation of their experience to staff and providers at Southwestern Medical Clinic in Southwestern Michigan. The clinic will cover relevant expenses.

After reading the requirements and conditions above, please use this link to complete your application.